Polycrisis Resource Library

The Polycrisis Resource Library is a growing collection of media that help to understand polycrisis, develop strategies to address polycrisis, and build a field of polycrisis analysis.

Welcome to the World of the Polycrisis

Adam Tooze

Highlighting the connections between economic and non-economic shocks to the world, Adam Tooze proposes that “A problem becomes a crisis when it challenges our ability to cope and thus threatens…

How Many Shocks Can the World Take?

Stephen M. Walt

Stephen M. Walt considers a number of global shocks that have all happened in close temporal proximity to one another and are “overwhelming our collective ability to respond”: the breakup…

Megathreats: Ten Dangerous Trends that Imperil Our Future and How to Survive Them

Nouriel Roubini

The author defines megathreats as “severe problems that could cause vast damage and misery and cannot be solved quickly or easily” (p. 4). “We are facing megathreats unlike anything we…

IMF-World Bank Meetings are the Last Stop before a Coming Economic Storm

Lawrence H. Summers and Masood Ahmed

Ahead of the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, Lawrence H. Summers and Masood Ahmed implore these institutions to avoid a global economic downturn by addressing…

The Polycrisis

Kate Mackenzie and Tim Sahey, editors

The Polycrisis is a newsletter and a series of essays and panels exploring intersecting crises with a particular emphasis on the political economy of climate change and global North/South dynamics.

What is a Global Polycrisis? And how is it Different from a Systemic Risk?

Michael Lawrence, Scott Janzwood, and Thomas Homer-Dixon

This discussion paper proposes that “A global polycrisis occurs when crises in multiple systems become causally entangled in ways that significantly reduce humanity’s prospects. These interacting crises produce harms greater…

An Inconvenient Apocalypse: Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity

Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen

Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen confront the ecological and social crises shaping humanity’s future, arguing that survival depends on contraction rather than expansion. They explore how geographic determinism has influenced…

Imperfect Notes on an Imperfect World

Christopher Hobson

Christopher Hobson often discusses the polycrisis in his blog posts, emphasizing the need to “honestly recognise and reckon with the complexity of the present moment.” “Polycrisis: In this Valley of…

Polycrisis and Long-Term Thinking

Polycrisis and Long-Term Thinking: Reimagining Development in Asia and the Pacific Foresight Brief

UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific

This Foresight Brief argues that conventional risk management frameworks cannot grapple with the growing number of systemic and existential risks generated by decades of globalization. Instead, these risks require more…

A Call for an International Research Program on the Risk of a Global Polycrisis

Thomas Homer-Dixon, Ortwin Renn, Johan Rockström, Jonathan F. Donges, and Scott Janzwood

The authors propose that hitherto unrecognized, complex teleconnections and self-reinforcing feedbacks among global systems are accelerating, amplifying, and synchronizing crises. The ultimate result of such unrecognized processes could be a…

About the Resource Library

The Polycrisis Resource Library includes resources that:

  • Comment on the polycrisis as a concept and as a present global reality
  • Undertake similar analysis using different—but related—concepts
  • Analyze crisis interactions among multiple global systems

Though not exhaustive, the Library strives to present a diverse representation of views on different aspects of the polycrisis discussion, and will be updated as that discussion evolves. Search for resources with the keyword search bar, or by using the drop-down menus to filter for type of resource, global systems addressed, and key themes.

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