FuturePod Interview with Drs. Megan Shipman and Michael Lawrence

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In this episode of FuturePod, host Dr. Peter Hayward speaks with Drs. Megan Shipman and Michael Lawrence of the Cascade Institute about the current global polycrisis, and their recently published Positive Pathways report and accompanying workshop. Shipman, Lawrence, and Hayward discuss the four key factors proposed by Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon that define today’s polycrisis, provide some examples of the interconnected crises happening today, and touch on the role of gamification in helping to spur positive action.



Publication Date

July 14, 2024




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Resource Type

Interview • Video/Multimedia

Systems Addressed

Climate • Geopolitics and International Security • Health • Social Order and Governance • Technology • Worldviews

Resource Theme

Sustainability and Transition • Systemic Risk • Theory Building

Uses the term polycrisis

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