Polycrisis Resource Library

The Polycrisis Resource Library is a growing collection of media that help to understand polycrisis, develop strategies to address polycrisis, and build a field of polycrisis analysis.

Facing Global Risks with Honest Hope: Transforming Multidimensional Challenges into Multidimensional Possibilities

Accelerator for Systemic Risk Assessment (ASRA)

This report examines the complexities of a global polycrisis, highlighting the interconnected nature of environmental, economic, and social risks. It emphasizes the urgent need for systemic risk assessment and response….

Loneliness in Times of Global Polycrises

Sebastian Spanknebel, Simon Barton, and René Hurlemann

The authors argue that polycrises “are associated with enormous psychological stress, especially for vulnerable groups”, in part because they impair social interaction. The resulting loneliness then affects people’s behaviors within…

When one crisis comes after another: successive shocks, food insecurity, and coastal precarity in the Philippines

Anacorita O. Abasolo and Marvin Joseph F. Montefrio

The authors examine the layering and succession of social and environmental crises—including a catastrophic typhoon, the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic inflation—and their impacts on food security in Capiz, Philippines. The…

Understanding the Climate Crisis in an Era of Polycrisis

Kevin Sullivan

The author examines the climate crisis through the lens of polycrisis, highlighting how climate change exacerbates environmental degradation and intensifies interconnected crises such as infrastructure failures, biodiversity loss, pandemics, supply…

Polycrisis: Factors, impacts, and responses in the housing market

Mohd Shahril Abdul Rahman, Mariah Awang and Zainab Toyin Jagun

The authors examine the impact of polycrisis on the global housing market, highlighting its diverse origins, consequences, and necessary responses. Using a qualitative research approach, the study conducts a desktop…

The (de)globalization of migration: Has the polycrisis period changed the patterns of global migration?

Jonathan Fitter, Anna Katharina Raggl and Paul Ramskogler

The authors explore whether migration really becoming more globalized (i.e. more heterogenous), or if there is evidence for recent (de)globalization trends, often attributed to flows of goods and capital.

All at Once: Multilateralism amid a Polycrisis

Erin Watson and Ratu Bintang Assyifa Arweys

The authors argue that instead of seeing the polycrisis as a failure of multilateralism, analysis should focus on the ways in which multilateralism is adapting, and how it could better…

Adapting The Way We Govern to Cope with ‘Polycrisis’

Crisis Lab

This article explores governance strategies for navigating the growing polycrisis, emphasizing the need for an adaptive, multi-level, and collaborative governance approach to enhance adaptability, cooperation, and resilience. Key strategies include…

Pluralist Economics in an Era of Polycrisis

Jan Schulz, Kerstin Hötte and Daniel M. Mayerhoffer

The authors explore how young economists approach economic phenomena from pluralistic perspectives in the context of interconnected crises and existing uncertainties. They showcase various research methods and interdisciplinary approaches that…

Prepared for the Polycrisis? The Need for Complexity Science and Systems Thinking to Address Global and National Evidence Gaps

Aku Kwamie, Sara Causevic, Goran Tomson, Ali Sie, Rainer Sauerborn, Kumanan Rasanathan, and Ole Petter Ottersen

The authors argue that inadequate national and global level data prevent us from understanding the complex interactions of the polycrisis and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. They propose that applied…

About the Resource Library

The Polycrisis Resource Library includes resources that:

  • Comment on the polycrisis as a concept and as a present global reality
  • Undertake similar analysis using different—but related—concepts
  • Analyze crisis interactions among multiple global systems

Though not exhaustive, the Library strives to present a diverse representation of views on different aspects of the polycrisis discussion, and will be updated as that discussion evolves. Search for resources with the keyword search bar, or by using the drop-down menus to filter for type of resource, global systems addressed, and key themes.

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