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Are we Headed toward a “Polycrisis”? The Buzzword of the Moment Explained

Noting that polycrisis was the key buzzword at the World Economic Forum’s January 2023 meeting in Davos, Daniel Drezner attempts to make sense of the concept as “the concatenation of shocks that generate crises in other systems that, in turn, worsen the initial crises, making the combined effect far, far worse than the sum of

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On the ‘Polycrisis’ Part I: Issues in Abstract Conceptual Circumference

Bo Harvey examines origins and recent popularity of the polycrisis concept, then rebuts critiques of the concept by Noah Smith and Guney Isikara. In response to the latter, Harvey problematizes the reduction of all the world’s problems to “capitalism” by noting the wide breadth of that term. “In other words, I want to argue that

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Secretary-General’s Remarks at the World Economic Forum

In his address to the World Economic Forum, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres proposed that “Our world is plagued by a perfect storm on a number of fronts”, including an economic crisis (involving slowdown, inflation, rising cost of living, and high debt), the lingering effects of the covid-19 pandemic (alongside ill-preparedness for the next pandemic),

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Davos Obsession With ‘Polycrisis’ May Seem Remote, But Corporate Boards Should Take Notice

In response to the 2023 World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Michael Peregrine argues that “the emphasis on polycrisis calls on boards to not only look more broadly on global risks that might affect the company’s business, but also to look at them in a different way. The fundamental governance message of polycrisis is to

Davos Obsession With ‘Polycrisis’ May Seem Remote, But Corporate Boards Should Take Notice Read More »

Our ‘Permacrisis of Polycrisis’

Mosharraf Zaidi argues that Pakistan has for decades experienced a polycrisis composed of abject poverty, gender inequality, insecurity of life and property, risk of mass killing, and threat of sovereign default, with no improvements in sight. Additional stresses include extreme weather, a politically involved military, right-wing extremist groups, and the ongoing conflict with India. The author

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