This report analyzes actionable “tipping points” within global energy systems (fertilizer, shipping, power, etc.) that could produce a cascade of emissions reductions. The technology adoption needed to reach these positive tipping points is dependent on cost-effectiveness, attractiveness, and accessibility, but if these barriers are overcome, it could result in massive, self-reinforcing environmental improvements. The authors present three “super-leverage points,” or “opportunities for actions that have relatively low cost or difficulty, and a relatively high chance of catalysing a tipping cascade” within that particular sector and in an additional interacting sector: 1. Mandating zero-emissions vehicles 2. Mandating green ammonia use in fertilizer production, and 3. Redirecting public procurement to promote the uptake of alternative proteins.
The Breakthrough Effect: How to Trigger a Cascade of Tipping Points to Accelerate the Net Zero Transition

Mark Meldrum, Lloyd Pimmel, Katy Brennan, Mattia Romani, Simon Sharpe, and Tim Lenton
Publication Date
January 2023
SystemIQ, the University of Exeter, and the Bezos Earth Fund

Resource Type
Think Tank (or University) Report
Systems Addressed
Energy • Food • Technology • Transportation
Resource Theme
Sustainability and Transition