In the Cascading Risks Study, author Trond Undheim seeks to create five scenarios (Climate cataclysm by 2075; World war by 2075; Growth and collapse by 2075; Runaway AI by 2075; and Synthetic biology released in the wild by 2075 ) with which to spur deeper conversation about the existential risks to humanity and how they often interact with one another and pose the threat cascading into a greater, system-wide failure. These five scenarios were presented in conjunction with a variety of methods of triangulation including board game creation, literature review, focus groups, interviews, surveys, a case study, the results of which suggest that even meso-level risks may become systemic, depending on the order and magnitude of the interaction effects between them.
Scenarios 2075: The Cascading Risks Study

Trond Arne Undheim
Publication Date
September 18, 2023
Stanford Existential Risks Initiative, Stanford Digital Repository

Resource Type
Academic Journal Article
Systems Addressed
Climate • Earth System • Geopolitics and International Security • Technology
Resource Theme
Catastrophic and Existential Risk • Futures Studies • Societal Collapse • Systemic Risk • Theory Building