Polycrisis Events

An event listing related to polycrisis and closely connected topics.

Upcoming Events

September 18 - 29, 2024. The Summit of the Future. United Nations: Our Common Agenda. Visit the event page for details.

September 25, 2024. Facing Polycrisis in Europe and Africa (a webcast panel discussion by PolyCIVIS). Paris Lodron University of Salzburg. Visit the event page for details.

September 26, 2024, 11 a.m. PST. "Why Won't Anyone Listen?" Elizabeth Sawin on How to Talk about the Polycrisis. Resilince+. Visit the event page for details.

October 10 - 26, 2024. Progressive Perspectives in Times of Polycrisis. Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Berlin. Visit the event page for details.

October 14 -18, 2024. ESG Forum: Re-Imagining Earth System Governance in an Era of Polycrisis. Utrecht University. Visit the event page for details.

Ongoing Events

Public Event Series: "Polycrisis!". University of Bath. Visit the event page for more information.

Past Events

June 13, 2024. Gigabit Libraries Network, Polycrisis Discussion with the Cascade Institute's Michael Lawrence and Megan Shipman.  View the recording here.

May 28, 2024. Manion Lecture: A Discussion on the Canadian Health Care Polycrisis, with Dr. Alika Lafontaine. Visit the event page for more information.

May 27 - 28, 2024. Polycrisis in the Anthropocene, led by the Cascade Institute in collaboration with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Research Institute for Sustainability, and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk. Potsdam, Germany. For more information, contact [email protected].

May 23 - 24, 2024. Polycrisis Interrogated. City University of London (Launch of the Finsbury Institute). Visit the event page for more information.

May 14, 2024. Webinar: Welcome to the Great Unraveling. Resilience.org. Visit the event page for more information.

May 9 -10, 2024. International Symposium on Polycrises and Systemic Risks. IIASA and Beijing Normal University. Visit the event page for more information.

April 26, 2024. Prospects for the World Economy in the Polycrisis with Martin Wolf. CD Howe Institute, Toronto. Visit the event page for more information.

March 21 - 22, 2024. Navigating through the polycrisis. UN Center for Western Europe. Visit the event page for more information.

March 21, 2024. Polycrises and Policy Frameworks. University College London Institute for Global Prosperity. Visit the event page for more information.

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